125 Afrin. Sk
CASE : 35 year old male Patient resident of katamgur, toddy worker by occupation came with C/o distension of abdomen since 3 months C/o shortness of breath since 3 months C/o pedal edema since 20 days HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6months back then he developed distension of abdomen with shortness of breath grade II , insidious in onset, gradually progressive,no aggravating and relieving factors. C/o pedal edema since 20 days,B/L pitting type extending upto the knee. C/o fever since 7 days on and off, associated with chills and rigors. C/o chest pain since 7 days. C/o decreased urine output since 20days No c/o orthopnea,PND,chest pain, palpitations. No C/o pain abdomen, vomitings,loose stools. Patient had similar complaints in the past (6 months back), for which he got admitted in nalgonda hospital,stayed for about 11 days and then after being relieved.patient has continued doing the work . patient had similar complaints 14 days back for which he got admit...